Non-Lua Keyboard - IRL MOD

JupiterSky - Custom level - Jun 13, 2017 from Windows
Play Edit 3 players liked this.

This version contains a mod for real keyboards!

Don't press 'p' or 'n' because that will pause the game.


Dedicated to the Principia OS, but anyone can use it. It only uses receivers, and it's very compact. Just multiselect both breadboards (dont forget to toggle the plug button so that the transmitters and etc. get copied too!) and use it on your level. Give me credits btw

Frequency list:
100~109 = numbers
110~135 = letters
136 to 183 respectively =
- = backslash [ ] ; ' , . / ` backspace enter space escape f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f 6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 windows, tab, shift, shift(state), control, control(state), alt, alt(state), fn, fn(state), up, down, left, right, insert, delete, home, end, pageup, pagedown, capslock

*created keyboard
*numbers and letters feedback added, others wip
*right keys created, will polish, dont worry
*full keyboard created
*shift mechanics wip
*switched lua with a broadcaster, so now my keyboard is once again non-lua!
*removing right part wip, because of visual bugs. right part keys will be moved as shift triggered extra keys
*keyboard finished! well, atleast the outputs and display anyways. Lua WIP
*Lua almost done! just hav to finish frequency range 136~171+shift letterz
*added frequency range 136~146, will do aLOT of bugfixing later, like f12 which i didnt notice
*tons of new stuff, shift finished, f's WIP, function keyState(key) WIP
*All done.

Downloads: 54 - Level ID: 26202
