Non-Lua Keyboard.

Chad64 - Custom level - Jun 7, 2017 from Android
Revision #11, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 9 players liked this.

For anyone's use, if needed. (Give me credits)

Frequency list:
100~109 = numbers
110~135 = letters
136 to 183 respectively =
- = backslash [ ] ; ' , . / ` backspace enter space escape f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f 6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 windows, tab, shift, shift(state), control, control(state), alt, alt(state), fn, fn(state), up, down, left, right, insert, delete, home, end, pageup, pagedown, capslock

*created keyboard
*numbers and letters feedback added, others wip
*right keys created, will polish, dont worry
*full keyboard created
*shift mechanics wip
*switched lua with a broadcaster, so now my keyboard is once again non-lua!
*removing right part wip, because of visual bugs. right part keys will be moved as shift triggered extra keys
*keyboard finished! well, atleast the outputs and display anyways. Lua WIP
*Lua almost done! just hav to finish frequency range 136~171+shift letterz
*added frequency range 136~146, will do aLOT of bugfixing later, like f12 which i didnt notice
*tons of new stuff, shift finished, f's WIP, function keyState(key) WIP
*All done.

Downloads: 220 - Level ID: 26111

