Wok's Cinematic Scene

wokstation22 - Custom level - Jul 28, 2014 from Android
Play Edit 45 players liked this.

*NOTE Despite my best efforts, you'll probably get an error warning icon at some random point that it took too long to compile the script on one cycle. It doesn't seem to ruin things, though. Sorry.*

A very famous scene from a very famous film. This has taken me ages, and when I found half-way-through that Principia doesn't include the Lua
string library, well, I had to code my way around that.
The lines in this scene are verbatim from the original script, typos and all. Some parts have been shortened for reasons that will be fairly obvious.

I really hope you enjoy this, and I really hope it still works when I press "publish"..!

Downloads: 1089 - Level ID: 9302