Flight simulator PRO (AS-1)
Sasha from Russia - Custom level - Jul 17, 2014 from N/AI rarely create planes, because I like to make heavy aircrafts. It's one of them.
==== CONTROL ====
1. Left regulator - trust
2. Right regulator - high and angle
3. Button F - flight sistem (on/off)
4. Button G - switch (computer/map)
5. Button H - autopilot (on/off)
6. Button J - breaks.
==== COMPUTER ====
1. Black line with red sprite - aircraft
2. Black point - the point of trust
3. Green or gray line - line of the ground (gray: aerodrome; green: simple ground)
4. Red light - out of trust
5. Orange light - high speed for landing
6. Green light - autopilot ON
7. Blue arrows - move of the aircraft
8. Red X - temporary out of control.
==== MAP ====
1. Black sprite - animated aircraft
2. Light blue and green sprites - sky and ground
3. White sprites in the sky - clouds
4. White lines on the ground - aerodroms.
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Downloads: 3062 - Level ID: 8889