125hz data encryption

abrackers2 - Custom level - Jun 26, 2014 from Android
Revision #5, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 5 players liked this.

Based on incrazyboyy's tick-step compression, this compresses up to 3 signals into one at full speed and retranslates them into two-digit decimals. Some accuracy is lost but it works well enough for most situations where perfect accuracy isnt needed.

Used zard0z's compressor to create a data encrypter. Pretty accurate given it has to transmit and read its own encryption protocol (which is to the power of random) through the same link as it is sending the data

Added rc

Removed rc. Removed a large amount of the interference. (Compare left with right)

Debugger is lit when anti interference module is blocking the intefering siginal

Increased power of anti inteference, changed sine to rc micro

Downloads: 120 - Level ID: 7955
