Ultimate Dummy Killing Machine

wokstation22 - Custom level - Jun 22, 2014 from Android
Revision #6, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 13 players liked this.

*** car definitely fixed! ***
Update: fixed car.

Update again; before I upload, I test and retest, and the car is fine. Upload, and the car stops working.

Another update: changed the slopes around the car, and added a stabilizer to the door to stop the bouncing back.

Hopefully this time will do it (again)!

In the book "The Wasp Factory", the protagonist likes to pull the wings off wasps and put the wasp onto a modified grandfathers clock's face. In the place of numbers were different deadly fates for the wasp, twelve ways to die in all, such as spiders and barbed traps.

This creation is inspired by that boy's wasp factory, a dummy factory, with seven ways for the dummy to die and one lucky way out. There's a 1-in-8 chance of a dummy meeting each fate, with a new roll of the dice with each dummy's demise.

Note; there's one or two spots it can get stuck. If it does, just restart it. That's just how random works,

HUGE thanks to TechZ for the Lua script that makes the camera follow the movement of the dummies! It's the only Lua in the creation!

Downloads: 702 - Level ID: 7844