Can Somebody Help?

anarki2004 - Custom level - Jun 18, 2014 from Windows
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

I'm trying to figure out how to pre-program a handfull of presets for a machine I want to build. For example: instead of using the RC monstro to set the servo positions, the buttons on the RC basic would be assigned to pre-defined settings.

ie; button F=all servos at angle-0;
button G=red angle-.50, yellow-.25, green-.75, blue-.55, purple-.90;
button H=red-.20, yellow-.50, green-.30, etc.
(those numbers are entirely arbitrary)

I imagine other people would find this device useful as well (once somebody makes it...). This function almost seems like it should be its own part, considering how useful it could be.

Downloads: 62 - Level ID: 7604
