Basic Parts Tutorial #3: Linear Motor/CT Mini

zardOz2 - Custom level - Nov 19, 2013 from Android
Revision #3, updated Jan 1, 1970
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zardOz's Principa Tutorials #3

Need Help? This example shows three basic functions of the Linear Motor and CT Mini combo, which uses the Interface Cable. Click each RC Control and experiment with it's operation.

The left Motor has both speed and reverse control, Smack the bomb just right to push it over the ledge.

The center Motor has reverse control only, it will spring back into place.

The right Motor has only a speed input, it moves once and is finished unless some other force pushes it back.

Open the level in sandbox to explore the settings.

Props to Alfajim's "two way linear motor example" which I used to learn a bit, thanks Jim.

Downloads: 962 - Level ID: 753