
BRONCO-94 - Adventure level - Jun 15, 2014 from Android
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The Centrifuge is one of the tests of becoming an astronaut. Its purpose is to see how much G-force you can take & to see if you can handle shuttle launch. The controls are as follows as you enter the Centrifuge: on the left are two sliders. The far left slider closes the door & the left slider lowers the gantry. On the right the long slider activates the Centrifuge & the button is your brake when coming to a stop, you can tap to steady the apparatus. Once you have completed the test you can exit the Centrifuge & press the button to the left of the room to let the proctors know to end the simulation. Or, if you don't feel up to the test (chicken) you can always end the simulation prior. Good luck, god speed.

Downloads: 305 - Level ID: 7467