Inna Gada Da Vida Main Riff (Principia Music Collaboration Project Invitation)

GH7 - Custom level - May 26, 2014 from Android
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 7 players liked this.

This is the beginning of a soon to be, long principia project. I'm going to be making music in principia, I already know a good bit about music, I taught myself how to play guitar and piano, but converting note pitches to frequencies and notes to milliseconds is a little confusing at first, so there is much to learn and experiment with. As always, I'd love for this to be a collaboration. Who knows what we could accomplish together. Also, speaking of collaborations, I ask all of you to visit my post in the forums about think thanks, or teams. So working on projects together will be much easier. Sharing the neural load is very smart-to-do. Thank you for listening, comment if you'd like to join in on this project. All your work will be credited.

Downloads: 197 - Level ID: 6520