Tile Map Game Engine [v1.2 WIP]

Cralant - Custom level - May 17, 2014 from Windows
Revision #4, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 49 players liked this.

An overdue update, have been busy recently so I have not had much time to create but here is what I have been working on.
Added mob support with AI, they will currently go straight to the player, I have not added collision detection yet thats why they are ghosts, because they can travel through walls lol.
Added item support, all item values are kept in an array making it easy to add and remove them, currently have no images for the items but all the coding is there.
Made the walking animation better, you can walk diagonal now, the movement speed is the same for each directions. Before diagonal was marginally faster.
Fireballs added, you can shoot 10 fireballs at a time, if they go off screen then they are deleted.
The fireball now leaves the tip of the staff no matter the direction faced, this looks way more realistic then previous tests.
Changed the wall sprite to a non 3D one. Also cut down the mage sprite a bunch.
I have added a changeable zoom, you are able to zoom in and out until you get to zoom 12.
Atempted to improve player wall collision, works a little better but still needs fixing.
Optimized most of the code because I am already half way (32,840 chars...) to the script character cap and I haven't even finished the sprites. May have to consider adding another luascript object to draw some the tiles.

What should be coming soon is collision support for mobs, detecting fireballs, detecting walls etc.
Sprites for the items as well as a simple inventory system.
Better wall collision and support for other world tiles.
Add optimization for only drawing mobs and items that are currently on screen, like with the walls tiles.
Will also change the spriting system to support more of a game engine system. The aim of this project is to quickly make RPG style games using this as a base level and creating your own map and sprites.
I will also attempt dialogue but that may be far off.

As always comment with ideas and suggestions, sorry for any typos or if this description doesn't make sense. I typed it quickly to get this online as soon as possible.
I will not be allowing derivatives for the time being. The code is fairly complicated and most people will not understand any of it.
If you are interested in a part of code or want to provide assistance message me on the forums and I can send you a excerpt. I have tried to keep my script neat and clean as possible but you still need to have a fair knowledge of lua before overlooking it.
Plus let me know how laggy the level is, so far its smooth on my end.

##Original Description##

My work in progress on the tiled game engine.
The idea is to have everything you need to make a tiled lua game, on one lua script object and with one rc controller.
Eventually adding synthesizer support.

Currently supports:
-Different map sizes
-A variety of different tiles (Didn't have time to design more for example)
-Ability to place map tiles following a map array (Easy to customize or make new map)
-Moving animated character
-Wall Collision (Needs better implementation, sometimes gets caught)

Soon to be updates:
-Projectiles (Working on a fireball from the staff)
-Enemies (Next update probably won’t have AI, but it will come eventually)
-Better wall collision
-Add more tiles for floor, etc.
-Add item support
-Joystick support for mobile (current control scheme favors PC players, will add option to choose)

Distant Future updates:
-Sound (Make use of the synthesizers)
-AI path finding

Hopefully this project doesn't lag too much, it seems to run fine of my computer and nexus 5. Comment any ideas or if you want to help.
Credits to the tile makers online, I searched for free game resources and edited the sprites to my liking.
Credits to zard0z for the idea and being a great guy with helping me implement some of his ideas.

Downloads: 1683 - Level ID: 6131