Pixel Painter+Printer 2.0(BETA)

Demon666 - Custom level - May 2, 2014 from Android
Revision #22, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 97 players liked this.

Feel free to suggest features but first check the future updates list.
Also please tell me if this lags for you and how much and on what settings.
Numfeed is fps()

Default Tool: Pencil(completely overwrites colors)

Update 2.0
- new logo
- redesigned the code
- ~1000% proformance increase
- increased canvas size limit from 60x60 to 300x300!!!
- smoother lines when drawing fast
- brush spacing slider
- increased accuracy of pointer
- supports uneven canvas resolution
- visual canvas resolution scale
- new GUI
- each tool stores its own settings independently
- eyedropper tool
- spray paint tool
- basic brush size indicator
- zoom tool
- pan tool
- added new printer(incomplete)
- printer has 2 sheets of paper

Widget Controls Controls:
vertical slider1: color
horizontal slider2: tone(slide left to draken the color and slide right to lighten the color)
F: resets the alpha to default
vertical slider2: controls brush size
vertical slider3: controls brush spacing(less nessassery with larger brushes)
G: reset canvas resolution
H: print

- brush smoother version of pencil tool
- maxing out the brush size and brush spacing can
cause massive lag
- visual resolution is 1/2th of the actual resolution
- white/gray checkergrid is transparency(completely blank,no color at all)
- each tool retains the settings(color/size/spacing/etc) that was last used with it
- background color is the eraser only(bottom square)
- forgroundcolor color is for every other color-related tool(top square)
- eyedropper stores color and applies that color to the next color-related tool thats selected

Future Updates:
- merge pan and zoom tools
- fix GUI toolbar
- better brush size indicator
- square brush and circle brush options
- GUI brush sliders/buttons/color picker
- clear image button
- spray paint density setting
- Opacity setting for all color-related tools
- dynamic spacing toggle
- reset canvas resolution
- fix color differences between color view and canvas
- decrease chance of paper jams
- fully functioning printer
- print window
- print preview

- include text into the GUI
- line draw tool
- hollow/filled square tool
- selection tool
- cut selection
- copy selection
- clear selection
- brush tool (smoother version of pencil tool)
- blend tool (blends colors without adding new color)
- store commands but dont run them in real time(lag optimization)
- undo and redo buttons
- Save Button
- add filters(gray-scale, curve,invert colors)
- add bucket tool(this will take a while since i suck at math lol)
- scale selection tool

Downloads: 2806 - Level ID: 5597
