Whack A Face - Contest Entry [Update+Unlocked]

Cralant - Custom level - May 2, 2014 from Windows
Revision #7, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 37 players liked this.

Thanks for the silver medal! :)

To play this game is simple,
You touch the screen and aim to whack all the the unhappy faces.
Whacking a unhappy face will add a point.
Whacking a happy face will take away a heart.
Whacking a blank space will take away five points.
Whacking a heart will give you another life.

Losing all 3 hearts results in a loss.

Don't forget to comment with your best score.

p.s: Apologies for the terrible pixel art on the screenshot, needed something and it was the best I could do at the moment.

Update: Allowed derivatives, added a whackable heart to add life, increased hitbox detection.

Downloads: 1573 - Level ID: 5596
