Moon games: battle!
hello - Adventure level - May 2, 2014 from AndroidYou must fight on the moon to gain the highest score possible in this hilarious battle of survival of the fittest.
Lol, its extremely funny, and downright amazing. This is going to be my contest entry, so please hit that like button.
Now enjoy your funny battle.
Oh, and if the wiring looks complex, it is actually very basic, which is why it is so lag free.
The scoring system works so that you score 10 points ( due to the bug of th enemy die function of the event listener ).
Moved the game manager console to the second layer ( which I disabled the robots access to ) it should no longer get in the way of the battle
Updated to principia 1.5
Increased gravity. Jumps shouldn't be as crazy as before.
Made it so that it scored 10 points every time
Moved the emmitter out of the way. It should no longer get backed up.
Downloads: 523 - Level ID: 5589