Freight Train(version1.5)

jasnsathome - Custom level - Apr 29, 2014 from Windows
Revision #6, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 92 players liked this.

It is a freight train.WARNING: I totally disregarded the lag so many parts would produce so good luck. 1.5 more than doubled fps on my PC it doesn't lag at all for me.
Made gauges scaleable.(left slider)
F hides the gauges.
The generator motor will blow up if you try to go too fast or accelerate too quickly.
If you can make it up the hill at the end without blowing up the motor let me know.
The LUA functions for the guages are courtesy of zardOz. Thanks for all the help and tutorials.
I used anarki2004's alfa romero model for cargo on flatbed car because its coool.Thank you for the cool car.

Downloads: 4748 - Level ID: 5489
