Automatic PathFinder WIP

Cralant - Custom level - Apr 22, 2014 from Windows
Revision #3, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 13 players liked this.

A work in progress, uses query to build a tiled map to detect items to collide in, has the ability to have an ignore entities from a table as well.
Also a routefinder, currently works off random values to navigate to the goal, a sort of bad implentation of a pathfinding algorithm, but the best I can do at the moment.
The script doesnt allow the the alogrithm to double back on its previous steps, this causes issues with the script getting stuck in corners. I will eventually implement a stuck function so when stuck the feature is overided.

This may take a few tries to work properly, just hit restart and eventually it should work.

Any suggestions or if anyone feels like scripting me an A* principia compatible algorithm for a much better pathfinder bot. Dont be afraid to comment.

This is a sort of alpha for a self aware drone to navigate through maps.

Should be updating this regularly so check back for updates.

Downloads: 463 - Level ID: 5312