Lua ultimate grapher widget [Update/Unlocked]

Cralant - Custom level - Mar 12, 2014 from Windows
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 7 players liked this.

Made the grapher use frequencies instead.
Unlocked the script.
Slightly commented code, I didnt comment every line as this script is more suited for the more experienced lua scriptors.

Side note:
Still having issues with the grapher being at angles, only solution for this could be to use the angle and then convert that into x and y differences in co-ordinates. If anyone knows how to do this the best way let me know.

I 'remade' the grapher for easier debugging and better displays.

The grapher uses lines to draw a smooth plot, while also displaying the current numerical value in the bottom right.
The bottom left shows the current input port and output port that is being displayed for the values passing through the lua script object.
Clicking on the 'ultimate grapher' will cycle through the current inputs.
Inputs can be mapped to different outputs. (This was mostly added as a placeholder for wireless frequencies.)

Currently only supports the wired values going in and out although I shall be adding wireless frequency support in the next update.
I also need to make the grapher display the sprites and lines properly when the grapher has been rotated, if anyone has a simple method please let me know as my current method involves a ton of code.

Also it needs some minor optimization so no derivatives until sometime tomorrow when I am happy with the outcome.

Downloads: 198 - Level ID: 3795

