Touch Controls Vol II. v1.2 [Cralant edit] Commented

Cralant - Custom level - Mar 10, 2014 from Android
Revision #3, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

Added the toggle or tick addition. 1 to toggle and 0 to tick, this has become the third value so to add a new entity use {17,5,1} .

Now heavily commented, everything should be explained. If anyone has any queries, suggestions or ideas let me know.

Was really impressed by the original idea and implementation. Edited the original code for much better optimization, all information is now stored in tables, makes for a much smaller script and easier to add new entities. To add new entities just add a table with the entity id and the frequency. e.g: {99,5}.
The rest is all automatic.

Tap or click an object to activate it, for some reason the switch isnt hightlighting...(update:added a flashing sprite)

This is a simple lua Cursor Field which is centered on an object. Also added the new highlight feature, hopefully that will help the non-english speaking folks figure it out.

Downloads: 124 - Level ID: 3745
