Graph-based Maze Generator

HXCTCreations - Custom level - Dec 26, 2017 from Android
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 11 players liked this.

-Depth First Search / Recursive Backtracker : One of the simplest way to generate a maze. The algorithm generates random passage without branch, until it reaches a dead end (every cell adjacent to the current cell is visited. Then it backtracks until it finds an unvisited cell adjacent to it's current cell, then create a branch to that cell. This generates a simple maze, with long passages and few branches.
-Prim's Algorithm : An minimum spanning tree algorithm. In each iteration/step, a random unvisited cell adjacent to the visited cells is picked, then it is connected to a random visited cell adjacent to it. This generates a more complex maze with lot of dead ends and branches.

Downloads: 202 - Level ID: 27521