Thruster Stabilizer

dOUBLEbAD - Custom level - Dec 4, 2017 from Android
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

I wanted to make an angular stabilizer without using the in game "stabilizer" so I made this using thrusters. It is mostly a proof of concept for the angular stabilization being created. You can use rockets for larger or more unruly builds. The thrusters provide only horizontal thrust in relation to the rockets and inhibit the free/continual rotation of the object while in flight. Just power up the rockets and adjust one or both up and down to change direction. I made it so you can toggle on and off the stabilization to see the difference.

Z= Left Rocket
X= Right Rocket
F= Toggle Stabilizer
(Starts On)

I turned the sound off on the rockets and thrusters.

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As always, Enjoy!

Downloads: 86 - Level ID: 27421
