NanoTech 5R-P Prototype

MARRA92 - Custom level - Sep 16, 2017 from Windows
Revision #16, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

Version with test boxer engine, I must rebuild the motor shaft part to allow install a smaller engine, like my Tornado Engine.

To adjust engine setup:
-Alterate Linear Motors setting
-Test the vehicle and memorize the sound it make at max gas in 5th, then using the MulAdd by the tail set it's added value in order to have 1st gear at max gas with the sound you got before.
-Modify the setup of the MulAdd connectd to gas output in order to have proportioned power output with the slider control (not necessarily RPM related)


Slider - Gas
A/D - Gear -/+
F - Toggle R gear


Downloads: 58 - Level ID: 27023

