PrincipiaOS v0.5.2 OPENUI v0.0.2 GREENIFY

Linux - Custom level - Jul 8, 2017 from Windows
Revision #16, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 10 players liked this.

i love lines if you couldnt tell --- but im just gonna make it look nice and update till i think it can be used effectivly as a "computer" (or a very well disguised text terminal with lots of features)
semi lied about below
also added a way to save current states
only aesthetic changes will be ui and stuff needed to add new stuff
Gonna fix it up make it look nicer
keyboard replacment 90% done missing symbols but i will fix that later
boot animation was added credits to zardos for ez logo also made us a logo P-OS
made cam targeters for diffrent screens
Organized --- rgb mod coming soon
With Keyboards d now, code follows later today or tomorrow.
Added something...
Still don't know why the , doesn't work. I'll fix the newline issue later, I know exactly what to do but it's pain on Android so I'll work on this on PC
This is an idea I had today.
We (the whole community) could create a unixoid OS inside Lua, which could provide even a C compiler and shells and stuff. This would be done through transpiling C to Lua and execute the code. More infos and some things to do will be provided soon, please send me feedback via comments or post if you want to participate.

Screen 60%
Create a 8x8 font: COMPLETED!
Keyboard 90%
C->Lua Transpiler: 0%
C standard library in Lua: 0%
File system: 50%
Shell: 0%
<To add>
Finish keyboard
linux filesystem layout
finish making it look nicer
principiafreak300 (Creator)
Chad64 (Hardware dev)
HXCTCreations (Software dev)
JupiterSky (Possible software dev :)
Linux AKA clippy (Hardware dev)

Downloads: 339 - Level ID: 26476
