keyboard hud for mobile yay reuploaded updated

Linux - Custom level - Jun 10, 2017 from Windows
Revision #8, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

May be helpful for some
V 1.2
Minimizing button
v 1.2
90% of the keys needed are added a dew wont work due to string things like \ so the arrow keys had to black and the \ had to also be blank
v 1.3
added the rest of the keys layout was changed to add room vor keys
A key board in principia! Very lag free, uses wireless, so here are the frequency's:
1-26 = A-Z
100-109 = 0-9
110 = ^(shift)
111 = <(backspace)
112 = [R](return/enter)
113 = [space]
The second lua is just an example, but it helps decode which key is being pressed
to do:
* fix the frequencys to chad64 standard
* make a different keyboard for shift

Downloads: 131 - Level ID: 26142