Lua (near) infinite virtual read/write memory. [UPDATE]

Cralant - Custom level - Feb 4, 2014 from Android
Revision #7, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

Credit to zardOz for the idea.

Now gives the ability to write a continuing data stream into a lua table and be able to read the data stream on the press of a button. The current limit (not a script imposed limit but rather a game limit) is set to 2,147,483,647 decimals, which by my calculations should be equal to roughly 28.4 weeks of continuous storage which should be more than enough. Also data stream can be cleared.

Instructions are on the in-game prompt.

Optimized thanks so suggestions by jammer. Now sets the storage table to nil rather than clearing each result. Also some code has been modified.

Downloads: 101 - Level ID: 2549
