My rapid machine gun V 1.4.2

paxus - Adventure level - Feb 26, 2017 from Android
Revision #7, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 8 players liked this.

This is my rapid machine gun

$)@(#*#(@(((_ $?$(#¥_)+?+)@(#? $?#(_

X=Aim and fire
C=Slide down to reload
V=Ammunition bar

Q:If I using PC, how to move?
A:Just press A key to go reverse and D key to go forward.

Q:If I using PC, is there a simpler way to reload?
A:Yes, it is. Just press F key.

Change log:
1.0 :First release
1.1 :Make it much faster
1.2 :Added Half pipe for do some attractions if you want, make it can flip and backflip, make it faster, decreased wall HP, and modified its model
1.3:Tidied the wiring and combined the control to move and flips
1.4:Made if the robot (not yourself) dies, the machine destroys
1.4.1:Made the Thumbnail
1.4.2:Changed a bit to thumbnail and more enemy after halfpipes

Credit to that guy for his HP lua (for his wall HP)

Special note:
*You can Crush robots by moving (have chance to fly)
*It can stabilize itself while in air
*You can do some attraction in half pipe
*You can use that ammo reload system in your project

_¥*÷? $*'&#€_($! $*#(@(_(#?$?$
Any problem?
Or Enjoy.

Downloads: 417 - Level ID: 25299