Mining Machine (E)

MARRA92 - Custom level - Feb 22, 2017 from Windows
Revision #10, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 7 players liked this.

* Wait a sec for the servo to adjust *

This is my project about a machine that is able to extract something from a hole in the ground and carry it.

I initially tried using game resources such as rubies or whatever resouce, but they seem to be too small and also making lot of lag in huge amount.

So I went for size 2 cylinders that seem work better because they cant finish stuck between chainmails.

Conveyors are made properly to not let escape extracted goods, the rear conveyor is made inspired by a "cleaner chain" that is used in some machines to clean the bottom part of a transport tape: its guided from layer 3 rails in which run the cylinders reducing alot the possible undesired grip, and is so suspended for most of its course.

Slider: Arm Position
A-D: Move Vehicle

Downloads: 380 - Level ID: 25250