New Motor With Racing Quick-Shift Gearbox (R+N+3)

MARRA92 - Custom level - Jan 8, 2017 from Windows
Revision #4, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 7 players liked this.

Under construction and improvements.

All the power comes out the 4 linear motor pistons.

Almost double power of transmission than last shaft made, and four times more than common shafts builds; Each positive gear have 4 servos involved, R gear uses only 2.

Particular is the motor shaft, you can see pistons are attached to larger radius and transmission on minor, meaning there is advantageous lever at the rotation, wich is one of best improvements even confronting to bigger engines.

All solutions on this model are purely designed for top performance parts, optimizing every possible part in order to obtain quite a zero power loss.

Level starts with inserted R gear, use D to increase and A to decrease gears ( R-N-1-2-3 ) and Gas on W key.

...Yes, that's a anti wheelie bar..

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Downloads: 276 - Level ID: 24796