sjoerd19992 - Custom level - Oct 31, 2016 from Android
Revision #5, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 14 players liked this.

All boxes contain only one motor and every one of them move in a unique way. ^_^

JAMES - The fastest of them all, nothing can stop him!
JONAS - Jonas is also pretty great, always trying to catch up with James.
OLAF - Sometimes he stops and start randomly jumping up and down, but most of the time he's running forward!
CHAD - Chad is a mechanical version of Electro's offroad driver. Just like Electro, he's pretty darn awesome!
DAVID - Simplicity at its finest.
PETER - Peter is a bit shy, but that doesn't keep him away from achieving his dreams.
THOMAS - Thomas is pretty slow, sometimes it gets so sleepy it starts laying on his back.

You can make your own and I'll add them!


Downloads: 206 - Level ID: 24051