TechZ2124 - Custom level - Jan 27, 2014 from Android
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 48 players liked this.

your mission if you accept it is to take the control of a new and revolutionnary
Mars Explorer : the PCPA 9000.

Remember, there are 3 things to found in Mars, with a different end for each one.
Try to find them all !

Thanks to jammer312 for his amazing LUA Fire.

■■■UPDATE 1■■■
☆Added rubber beams under the Walker's legs
☆Changed a bit the design
☆Added more pixels to make Mars more realistic
☆Able the player to zoom
☆Fixed the falling blue plastic beam bug
☆Increased landing stability
☆Changed some smalls things here and there

Hope you like it !

Downloads: 2572 - Level ID: 2394