Chest with Ultimate Prize

Golden - Custom level - Oct 15, 2016 from Android
Revision #7, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 12 players liked this.

Hello, since i cannot make a logo for everyone, so it will be by Chosen Ones, so there will be 10 people will win and earn the logo made by me, also this chest has 10/1000 chance of winning it,
any who won cannot win again, post the winner code in comment, the first one will get prize, and Good Luck!

Credits to ZardOz and his little giant treasure chest

Renewed the code 1
Renewed and upgraded the code, the code won't be needed for now since I forgot the hackers can use html of edit button and paste it here and view the code without needing to play to reveal it, so if you won, it will be submitted into system, a fool proof ;)

Fixed score entry... Again since I find it faulty

1. joejoeseph ~Making the logo for him
2. Galvatron66

Downloads: 273 - Level ID: 23860