[ENTRY] Design My Wheelchair

dOUBLEbAD - Adventure level - Sep 22, 2016 from Android
Play Edit 11 players liked this.

I debated long and hard as to whether or not to build something associated with such a sensitive subject. My desire to show my support won out.

Introducing the "Chariot of Resolve"

A wheelchair fit for a king, pimp or other high ranking ruling class members. Features stability provided by an integrated gyroscopic motion applied by centrifugal forces.


So... After fun tests at hospital I have finally succumbed to the fact that I will have to use a wheelchair to get about easily. I can walk but it is incredibly painful.

Instead of being miserable and depressed, I've been trying to see the positives but I could still do with a laugh.

What better way for a laugh than asking you genius inventors to design a wheelchair for me? :)

So as a fun contest I'd like you to do just that. It could be anything - weaponised, gadget laden, practical, silly or perhaps design a fun course for your invention...

There are no real rules as this just limits creativity, just try &amp; make it a derivative of this level so it is easier to find for judging.

Also if you want to put an accurate likeness of me in the chair, I look like a Viking :) Long blonde hair &amp; pretty much exactly what you'd imagine a Viking to look like (minus the battle armour &amp; the fact I'm English).

Let's say a couple of weeks at most for the contest &amp; I hope you have fun :)

Downloads: 296 - Level ID: 23590