dOUBLEbAD - Custom level - Aug 24, 2016 from Android
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

I believe this is what you are looking for. I turned up the rockets to max and they are now regulated by the Z slider.

Warning, I somehow broke it but the wiring was what you needed right? Lol

---------------Original Text------------------

Hello all, i'm looking for this:

As you can see the rockets are activated by the object field;

What i need is to could set the thrust of the rockets via the RC, creating an increasement of power but leaving them working as now, something between RC and rockets..

Something like the rockets could need any signal different from 0.0 to start working, and then i can touch the cap of that signal, up to 1,0

The goal is a increasement of the power made by the force applyed by the rockets, like a real engine makes with stronger explosion.

F key is the starter at the moment.

Anticipate thanks!

Downloads: 159 - Level ID: 23135