Cassette Tape 0.2 WIP

Demon666 - Custom level - Jul 29, 2016 from Windows
Revision #5, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 9 players liked this.

numfeed is fps. hows the lag?

a 8bit readable capable tape
scores 6 8bit characters
- black==0
- white==1
- red==scanner cant reach xD

update 0.1 WIP
- reoranged the design(looks more like a tape now)
- fixed inaccrate reader
- 4x read speed
- tape is all one piece

future updates:
- increase tape amount
- triple storage capacity using full r,g,b
- change to 7bit. 8th bit is unused anyway lol
- working read button
- working rewind button
- writing functionality
- cassette player does reading

credit to HXCTCreations for the origonal concept.
i just changed the form-factor alittle lol

Downloads: 406 - Level ID: 22880