Antos - Custom level - Jul 16, 2016 from Android
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

THE INQUISITOR - Long range 3motor gunship copter with cargo&transport option is the best way to travel , trade & fight in post-apocalyptic world .

Made from available parts and designed to be safe for crew and lethal for enemies .
Main fuselage (green) with part of windshield has been made from damaged A-10 plane , tail is from ... coroded iron ...

Crew :
1 pilot
2 tail gunners
1 guard
1 prisoner

Now what you can find here :
Black ,,snake" with bright blue tips around main fuselage is pilot's periscope , gold (yellow) snake above is kind ,,mechanical ear" used by pilots during WWI to speak to each other .
Small yellow part behind main rotor is visible part of main fuel tank .
Long bright green thing under main fuselage is additional fuel/water/cargo tank .

In the middle of copter is room to transport eg. Very Important Prisoners (along with guard seat) .
Above the smaller tail rotor is gun turret with red gunner's seat .
Under the tail rotor is another gun (connected with flamethrower) with gunner's bed (I hate these small dummies :) )

Copter carries 3 guns + 1 flamethrower + under the pilot and guard's seat is enough space (visible after removing layers) for additional weapons , bombs and snakes .

How to :
Z-upward thrust
Arrow-pitch down
W-pitch up
F-forward thrust
G-main gun (from A-10)
H-tail mach. gun
J-mach. gun & flamethrower

Here is link to small infography about the copter :

Built for contest .


Downloads: 327 - Level ID: 22732
