Ultra Sparsi-Toggler Timer, v1.4 w/Lua help/shorthand

zardOz2 - Custom level - Jan 20, 2014 from Android
Revision #4, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

A Cralent/zardOz collaboration...
(Update1.2: with Lua code help notes and a groovier psychedelic background... I'm freakin' out man! v1.3: built a no Lua version, not as big as I thought it would be.. Help noted lua in the bottom corner. V1.4 added a shorthand code to the wired Lua to show the way it actually reads your code and how formatting styles can vary wildly)

This Lua component has four multi-functions
by sparisified In0 input. (regardless of how long it is pressed or input to)

Out0: Ticks and waits the time of the delay setting and ticks again. (Sparsifier delay+)
Out1: Outputs 1.0 for the length of the delay. (Toggle Delay)
Out2: Ouputs 1.0 continuously except for the delay peroid. (Inverted Toggle Delay)
Out3: Outputs In1 value unmodified for the length of the delay. (IF-delay)

Set the time delay in the Lua where noted.

Downloads: 167 - Level ID: 2255
