[HELP for disleksiaRools]--Hovercraft Stabilization and Tilt Control Tutorial

GlaDos - Custom level - Jun 24, 2016 from Android
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

So I was trying to make a tutorial (the first in a series of basic hovercraft components/systems) , but ironically I ran into trouble myself.
The circuits are not the issue. Instead, the issue I'm having is that the tiltometer over-corrects so the craft oscillates at greater and greater speeds until eventually the craft begins to spin uncontrollably. I tried to counteract this by adding a weight, reducing the thrust of the thrusters, and even dampening the input with muladds. None of which worked.
I'm looking for a solution to that doesn't use stablizers, lua, or reducing the mobility/power of the thrusters (i.e adding more weight or reducing the thrust of the thrusters).
Any help is appreciated!

Downloads: 80 - Level ID: 22543
