Ultra If Gyro-tiltmeter

jammer312 - Custom level - Jan 19, 2014 from Android
Play Edit 1 players liked this.

This should help clean up some messy hovercrafts, this Gyroscope/Tiltmeter combo can be set to measure the angle displacement of any object you want on the craft. With an added IF feature for turning the response on an off.

In0 = Activate outputs If In0 >= 0.5
Out0 = Gyroscope Output
Out1 = Tiltmeter CCW Output
Out2 = Tiltmeter CW Output

Export the box with the Jumper on it. Open the Lua to set the sensitivity of the Tiltmeter and Id#s of the object you want to be the Ultra If Gyro-tiltmeter. Current Sensitivity = 2(upside down = 1.0)

Changed tiltmeter code. Now it's correct(I hope).

Downloads: 82 - Level ID: 2246
