[HELPED]Help needed! Randomizer Help(ZardOz)

disleksiaRools - Custom level - May 5, 2016 from Android
Play Edit 2 players liked this.

Thanks to Zardoz for making this! However it doesn't quite suit my purpose. Could someone help me by making just 2 outputs rather than the current 4. So values less than .5 activate one debugger and values equal to or greater than .5 activate the other. I also would like help replacing the rc with a timer or something so that every 1.5 seconds the randomizer chooses a new value. Thanks in advance for any help!
ZardOz's Description:
This functions by having two fed to a CMPe, after a brief random period the two randoms will equal each other and send a tick to the memory module which samples a third random to obtain the value. Then that value is sent to four cmp sets, <.25, >=.25/.50<, >=.50/.75<, >=.75

Update: fixed properly and added RC example

Downloads: 36 - Level ID: 22070