Anti-Gravity Serpent (BETA) 0.2

Demon666 - Custom level - Apr 6, 2016 from Windows
Revision #3, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 25 players liked this.

a creature with a anti-gravity system
numfeed is fps(hows the lag down there?)

update 0.2
- increased speed alittle
- converge all individial luascripts into one
- added some more segments
- WAD(forward,up,down) controls for pc

left slider: speed(moves in direction that heads facing)
right slider: angle head up/down

W/A/D keys: forward/up/down(PC)

future updates:
- backwards flying
- make it slither in the air
- better floating
- button to open and close jaw
- revolving teeth
- make it look better
- make it launch destructive water bombs

Downloads: 635 - Level ID: 21689
