The Unimplememted secret hidden objects, put them somewhere hidden

JOELwindows7 - Custom level - Mar 31, 2016 from Android
Revision #7, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

Disclaimer: Easter ≠ Passover. Easter talks about usual surprise while Passover talks about His sacrifices for entire humanity. Please don't ever celebrate easter egg anymore!

Idk, I had an urge to make something like uhhh... These stuffs. Some secret messages and stuffs

Entire new prompts?

Prompt edge 2 lost

I'm afraid someone will misinterpret this. Hobbit was recently given us info about behind the easter egg is. He said it's somekind of pagan that people usually celebrate beside real Passover.
So let's rename the marking name into just " secret hidden stuffs/objects". The name is general manor thus neutral and universally less offense.

What have you done?!

Look above you!

Downloads: 312 - Level ID: 21615
