Computer(Work In Progress)

Golden - Custom level - Feb 7, 2016 from Android
Revision #4, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 5 players liked this.

This is a prototype version
contact me if you want to help me to work and upgrade it
1. GlaDos
2. Demon666
3. Ctjet

1: increase num by 1 in memory
2: decrease num by 1 in memory
3: erase all memory in memory
4: increase read by 1 in memory
5: decrease read by 1 in memory
6: data send to memory
8: return as data
10: raw data to processor
11: Send data to memory accept

Updated: fixed memory crash when read goes to 1, (will be removed temporary, in automated mode, it will automatically erase on startup to make everything normal

Downloads: 80 - Level ID: 20719