Autonomous Tank 0.3(BETA)

Demon666 - Custom level - Feb 4, 2016 from Android
Revision #3, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 33 players liked this.

This tank is armed to the teeth with weapons xD

update 0.3(BETA)
- prevented no targets left error
- prevented incorrect target destroyed error
- redesigned tank itself
- more guns
- 36 missiles
- decrease jitter
- always choose closest target(buggy)
- robots shoot at you/follow you
- better treads
- attacks multiple enemies at once now
- radar(detects nearby targets and enemy attacks)

Weapon Logic:
main gun uses:(not working yet)
- far away targets
- structures in front

missiles launcher uses:
- target enemies above tank
- fast moving targets on ground
- if no clear path for guns

3 front guns uses: (targetting is buggy)
- nearby enemies in front of tank

3 back guns uses: (targetting is buggy)
- nearby enemies in back of tank

run over enmies beneeth 6 guns

future updates
- prevent bullets from being registered as abstructions
- fix missile stuck bug
- logic to handle all missiles used
- missiles explode when impact with ground
- prevent tank from blowing itself up
- prevent midair missile colisions
- missile launch delay
- better radar sensor
- animated explosion sprite/sound for missile

- visual lockon
- fix AI logic
- fix main cannon
- increase accuracy(main cannon)
- enhanced explosions(main gun)
- slow tank down while climbing hills
- fix virual terjectory offset
- enemy helicopter(you)

Downloads: 669 - Level ID: 20643