Crimson Angel BETA 0.7

Demon666 - Custom level - Dec 19, 2015 from Windows
Revision #5, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 36 players liked this.

At this point I really don't now what this is supposed to be xD

update BETA 0.7
- blacklist for sensor(now sensor can differencate between itself/floor/random object)
- smooth dynamic walking motion
- dynamic lua hair
- flight capabilities
- single square joystick for movement(touch)
- 3D halo sprite

Square Joystick: up/down(takeoff/assend/decend/land)
Square Joystick: left/right(walk/fly)
Joystick: flame breath(comming soon)

future updates
- WASD(keyboard)
- assend/desend in flight mode
- downward proximity sensor for flight mode

- fine tune walking motions
- tweak gyro
- better transition from standing/walking(forward/backward)
- fix fall correction motion to work with wings
- leg lift if foot trip

- prevent getting stuck between tranisitons(EVER)
- fire breath
- flaming body parts

Downloads: 1046 - Level ID: 19883