Start listening on frequency all at once!

JOELwindows7 - Custom level - Dec 16, 2015 from Android
Revision #2, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 4 players liked this.

Introducing, the Instant listen all at once system. The script that allows you to start listen all frequency without having to overkill the space. Just define the range from zero up to any you want, and tell them what shall they do within that range.
In this case, I tell them to start listen on frequency from zero to any maximum integer I want to. Also the frequency they listened, I tell them to put them each of them into any result variables from range as same as zero to any I want. Now done.
You can chose which frequency listened from the range defined for you to use. E.g. if you set the range from 0 to 2^8 then you can use the variable from array 0 to 256. See the Lua to learn the code.

Downloads: 74 - Level ID: 19804
