(ctjet) CONTEST: Fluid powered car

Ctjet - Custom level - Nov 27, 2015 from Android
Play Edit 3 players liked this.

My entry. A light cannon powered car

Since a few people are trying fluid powered cars, let's speed up the research and development by making a contest out of it.

Make a car powered entirely by fluid.

-- Rules --

Well I could make a long list of rules but the premise is pretty much the rules. As long as the car has no power source other than fluid it'll be accepted. Obviously delete my example car.
One definite rule is that it must be a derivative of this level (makes it easier for me to see all the entries) and derivatives must be allowed before the contest closes (for judging).

The winners will be based on efficiency, speed, style and ingenuity.

Contest ends in 2 weeks - Have fun!

Downloads: 109 - Level ID: 19447