The Passcode lock (No Lua)

eddiealoba - Custom level - Oct 19, 2015 from Android
Revision #10, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 6 players liked this.

A passcode that has a password. You can only press each number one time. I recommend trying it with the original password first, then trying to put the wrong password to see how it works. Game ends after each password, so restart the game after you put a password in.

No Lua was used.

The password is: 1234

Update #2: fixed a problem where pressing a number multiple times wouldn't turn on light.

Update #3: picture fix

Update #4: game doesn't restart when password is wrong anymore. Just retype another password or the right password.

Update #5: changed password to 2516. Added a wrong password counter. You only have 5 attempts before you can't put the password anymore. Keypad blinks when you get password wrong 5 times.

Update 6: when you get the password wrong 5 times, the keypad will blink for 5 seconds then it will let you put the pass code again.

I will update this level whenever I feel that I can make something better.

Update #7: This is the best update of this level. I changed the debuggers to active displays that show the number.

Derivatives are now allowed!!

Downloads: 344 - Level ID: 18705