Controllable Figure ALPHA 0.8

Demon666 - Custom level - Jun 14, 2015 from Windows
Revision #12, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 45 players liked this.

- enemies crouch now
- radgoll/fadeaway on enemy death
- bullet oprimizations
- functioning hooking system
- ropes fade away when cut
- basic swinging motion/animation for grapling hooks
- set all animation blocks into functions
- dedicated rope array for individial figures
- better player animation transition
- improved enemies aim
- joystick for aiming
- sound for hooking
- independent graplinghook and gun controls
- grappling hook gun sprite
- slider to reel in hook
- score submition

Left Slider: A/D: run left/right
W/Space: jump
S: toggle stealth mode(player walks slowly/quietly)
Top Joystick: aim/shoot gun
Top Joystick: aim grapling hook
F: Fire grapling hook(hook works on world objects and world borders)
G: Release grapling hook
Left Slider: reel in/out

future updates:
- grapling hook launch animation
- tweak stealth mode
- figure lag optimizations
- dynamic swinging motion/animation
- more accurate aiming
- enemy attention variable
- enemies roam around randomly
- fix standing death bug
- figures flop/spin around the place where they get shot
- blood spatter on player injuery
- layer variable for figures
- fall damage
- powerups
- rocket launcher, sword, bombs
- 2d world
- interactive objects

Downloads: 1274 - Level ID: 16344