Dynamic Linking Engine 3.4 BETA

Demon666 - Custom level - May 29, 2015 from Windows
Revision #15, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 42 players liked this.

click on something to move it around.
everything is selectable

update 3.4
- better initilization phase
- addfabric function
- generates random objects and fabrics on first run
- soft link option for addlink tool
- added circle sprite for points
- added rotating sprite head for ragdolls
- disable links toggle
- fixed perfect polygon creator(i think)\
- button to show/hide menu

Tool1 -- switch physics on or off
Tool2 -- click on a point to drag point around
Tool3 -- add hard/soft link. Toggles between hard and soft links if you click the tool while its already selected
Tool4 -- swipe across a link to cut it
Tool5 -- click anywere to add a point
Tool6 -- click on a point to delete and its links
Tool7 -- click on a point to pin it(makes points static but still selectable)
Tool8 -- click on a pin to delete it.
Tool9 -- toggle linking on or off

note: hard links are for structures,soft links are for fabric

F: adds ragdoll
G: adds triangle random size
H: adds square random size
J: adds random perfect polygon random size
K: adds rope
blank: shows/hide menu

future updates
- fabrics with different lengths ane widths
- ability to grab an object by its links
- grip to move menu around
- sprites for pinned links
- delete points that dont have a link
- fix spawn outside border bug
- add points ID system
- object classification
- rigging for ragdolls
- restrict the number of points to 512
- movement controls for ragdolls
- point weight
- point bouncyness
- point friction
- colisions with other objects
- link world entities togeather

Downloads: 1130 - Level ID: 16065