EZ number display function v1.3

zardOz2 - Custom level - May 6, 2015 from Windows
Revision #8, updated Jan 1, 1970
Play Edit 7 players liked this.

UPDATE: alignment and color added
numdisplay() function

Working as intended now, 5 required arguments, 4 optional...

numdisplay(value to display, X position start, Y position, Digit size(width), decimal places(up to 6), Alignment,( -1=left, 0=center, 1=right), Red, Green, Blue)

For noobs, open the lua and go to the bottom where the step() function is... replace my "numdisplay()" with your own, you can make as many as you need. The last four values for alignment and color settings can be left blank, alignment will defalt to right and color will default to white.

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