ElementalGenius98 - Custom level - Apr 14, 2015 from Android--An Important thing about planes in principia--
--please read if you like building them!--
--So I saw different planes in principia and thought about one main
--issue. Most of you make planes wich have rockets facing forward and
-- some rockets to tilt the plane. But if it comes to the point that
--your plane should fly while they are horizontally they will just
--fall down like a bag of stones. So HOW TO AVOID THIS PROBLEM?
--Think about a wing. They make the plane Lift off... but since
--we have no "wing part" in principia we have to get our
--buoyancy (upward force) elsewhere. A simple solution would be to add
--vertical rockets to fix this. But how many are enough and how
--to wire this up?
--I got a little idea
-- 1. Build your main frame
-- 2. Add forward rockets and tilt rockets and wire them
-- 3. Add so many upward rockets so your plane should takeoff vertically
-- Itself with ease
-- 4. Now wire some of them to the same slider wich controlls forward
-- Boost (2 of 6 or something about that)
-- 5. your plane should now Liftoff proportionnally to its speed
-- this will simulate its wings.
-- 6. Fine tune every value until you reach a very easy to fly or
-- realisic fly simulation
-- I build a little example but not a real plane (since im too dumb to
-- make a good looking frame :P)
-- I hope you could understand what I want to say because Im german and
-- my english isnt the best :$
Downloads: 106 - Level ID: 15104